We Mourn the Passing of Justice Antonin Scalia

Feb 13, 2016

Today is a sad day as we mourn the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Appointed by President Ronald Reagan, Scalia was 79 and served on the Supreme Court since 1986. His presence on the Court will surely be missed. “Our prayers are with the family of Justice Scalia,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

 “With the passing of Justice Scalia, the future of the High Court and the future of America is hanging in the balance. The Senate must not confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court from President Obama. The Senate must hold off any confirmation until the next President is seated. Unfortunately the presidential debates have been more theater and less substance about the real issues surrounding the Supreme Court. The election of the next President has now taken on even greater importance. The future of the Supreme Court and America now depends on the Senate blocking any nominee by President Obama and the people electing the right person to occupy the White House,” said Staver.