What About Tylenol and Other Drugs?

Oct 26, 2021

Answering the Faulty Retort to Religious Objections Over Abortion-Derived Injections

by Horatio G. Mihet, Esq.

Some clever guy manufactured a fraudulent retort to religious objections to abortion-derived vaccines. Now an increasing number of employers are jumping on the bandwagon and asking employees to swear off Tylenol, Tums, Pepto Bismol and several other drugs.

This argument is largely fraudulent because Tylenol, Tums, Pepto Bismol, and many of the other drugs on their so-called "lists" were developed DECADES before abortion became legal in 1973. Accordingly, they could NOT possibly have been researched, tested or developed using fetal cell lines that originated in the murder of the unborn.

The reason these pre-abortion drugs are included on these lists is because at some point after abortion became legal, DECADES after these drugs were invented and approved by the FDA, some "scientists" decided to run additional tests with these drugs using cell lines obtained from aborted babies.

This is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the COVID shots, which were researched, tested or developed FROM THEIR VERY ORIGIN using fetal cell lines obtained from aborted babies. Without aborted fetal cell lines, we would have NO COVID shots, but we would STILL have Tylenol, Tums and Pepto Bismol.

Consider this: A car that is researched, developed and produced ethically does not become immoral because some people decide to drive drunk and kill others. A car that was tested before production by seeing what impact it would have when crashing into real humans would be evil, and none of us would touch it.

Are there SOME other drugs and vaccines that were researched, tested or developed in their ORIGIN using fetal cell lines from aborted babies? Sure. Do they have alternatives? Most likely YES. Are you being FORCED and MANDATED to take these other drugs and vaccines in the same way you are with the COVID shots? NO.

The flu shot, by the way, is NOT researched, tested or developed using aborted fetal cell lines.

Four Legitimate Responses to a Faulty Retort

Here are FOUR KEY POINTS you can make when your employer or school presents you with one of these fraudulent "lists" and asks you to swear off these drugs forever (Remember to put these into your own words and do not copy and paste.):

1) I object to all other drugs or medications that were researched, developed or tested in their origin using fetal cell lines from aborted babies.

2) I am not aware of having knowingly taken any such drug or vaccine in the past since becoming an adult and since becoming firm in my religious beliefs (childhood medications and vaccinations don’t count because I didn’t have a choice).

3) If you or anyone else show me concrete proof that a particular drug or vaccine was researched, tested or developed using fetal cells from aborted babies in its ORIGIN, I will avoid such drug and seek alternatives in the future.

4) Tylenol, Tums, Pepto Bismol and many other drugs on these lists were developed and tested DECADES before abortion became legal in 1973. Therefore, they could not have been developed, researched or tested using aborted fetal cells. Just because some scientist decided later, after abortion became legal, to do further studies on these products using aborted fetal cells does NOT taint these products in their ORIGIN, in the same way as the COVID vaccines are tainted from their very beginning.

A Relevant Analogy

A car manufacturer is not responsible for what a drunk driver does with that car, and cars are not evil just because some people use them to drive drunk and kill others. But a car that was developed, researched and tested at its origin by killing people in a concentration camp would be evil from its very origin, and I would have nothing to do with it.

In the same way, without abortion, we would still have Tylenol, Tums and Pepto Bismol, but we would not have any of the three COVID shots.

Harry Mihet, Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel with Liberty Counsel

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