The Price of Freedom: WTC Frontline Heroes and Their Sacrifices

Sep 10, 2021

ORLANDO, FL - Tomorrow commemorates the 20th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil.

The death toll from this tragedy continues to rise of those who worked at Ground Zero, which included citizens from all over the United States, in the aftermath of the attack. Responders and volunteers have been diagnosed with various illnesses due to the exposure to the toxins in the World Trade Center rubble. Cancer is the most common killer of these heroes.

According to information obtained from the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) website, “Health concerns have been documented in waves specifically related to 9/11. The World Trade Health Program, which supports first responders and survivors on-site reports that from 2003 to 2004, over 71,000 people enrolled in the WTC Health Registry. Although more than 85% live in the New York City greater metropolitan area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) there are enrollees from every state and 15 other countries.”

In the 2011 WTC Medical Working Group’s Annual Report, the Journal of the American Medical Association published WTC Health Registry research in 2009 estimating that as many as 88,600 adults have had symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and as many as 40,000 adults have developed new asthma as a result of their WTC exposure.

Just this week, the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner announced two WTC victims were identified. The 1,646th person identified was Dorothy Morgan and the 1,647th person’s identity has been withheld at the request of his family. The identities of these victims were confirmed by DNA testing. These are the first identities discovered since 2019. There are still some 1,106 victims, or forty percent of those who died that remain unidentified.

“The bottom line is 9/11 didn’t end on 9/11. And people do continue to get sick and die every day,” said Michael Barasch, a New York City lawyer who has helped thousands of 9/11 victims with health ailments register for the Victim Compensation Fund.

In 2019, President Donald Trump signed into law the hard-fought bill “Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act” in the Rose Garden with family members of all three men present.

“Today we come together as one Nation to support our September 11 heroes, to care for their families, and to renew our eternal vow: Never, ever forget. Since September 11, we have lost more than 2,000 first responders and survivors to 9/11-related cancers and illnesses. Currently, thousands of men and women are battling cancer and other illnesses due to 9/11. We pledge to stand by the families of those affected, today and every day. We will stand with you,” said President Donald J. Trump.

The WTC terrorist attack changed the world. From increased airport security to civilian policing of the most private areas of Americans’ daily lives. Patriotism, spirituality and religion increased along with giving to charities and volunteerism.

America’s frontline heroes made enormous sacrifices in 2001. Sacrifices for the love of mankind and country. A few days away from the 9/11 anniversary, US troops were to be completely pulled out of Afghanistan by August 31. Afghanistan was to be entrusted to the 300,000 strong Afghan army that had received US training which cost $84 billion. It was believed that they could hold out against the Taliban for at least a year. However, the Afghan army quickly fell apart leaving Afghanistan once more to be ruled by terrorists.

The on-going Afghanistan fiasco that Joe Biden shoved through with haste has left tens of millions of dollars’ worth of tanks, aircraft and sophisticated military equipment along with documents that revealed a great deal about America’s military logistics behind for the terrorists. More importantly, the chaotic evacuation left many allies and American citizens behind. Stranded as possible hostages or even killed.

This is not honoring America’s frontline heroes.

America will never forget that the WTC was the most lethal and horrific terrorist attack on American soil. Two hijacked planes crashed into the North and South towers. It took New York firefighters 100 days to put out all of the fires ignited by 9/11. New Yorkers began calling the area Ground Zero. It was to describe the site as a nuclear explosion. This dramatic and violent event was and still is heartbreaking to recount the events of that days and the days after.

Now Biden has created a gloomy mood overshadowing the remembrance and honoring of the WTC heroes. To try to divert attention from his treasonous failure in Afghanistan, on the eve of 9/11, Biden issued an executive order and held a press conference attempting to illegally force more people to get the COVID shots. Some of these citizens include the WTC frontline heroes who do not wish to take the shot due to their deeply held religious beliefs. This is just another hit to those who have sacrificed so much.

As American citizens, there are legal and constitutional protections against this lawless mandate.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “What happened 20 years ago should not be forgotten. Our frontline heroes have sacrificed a great deal. As we remember the price of freedom, let us also remember the dedication and bravery of those who fight every day to keep us safe from evils domestic and abroad. When you meet these heroes remember to thank them.”

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