Nov 21, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On November 14, Liberty Counsel became the first organization to publicly oppose Matt Gaetz for the United States Attorney General. He was neither professionally nor morally qualified for such a high and critically important position.
The following statement is from Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel:
“I took heat from some of our ‘conservative’ friends who placed political expediency over principle. I refused to play that game. I called on Matt Gaetz to remove his name, stating that Gaetz ‘should do President Trump and all of America a favor and withdraw his name from consideration. This will save him considerable embarrassment. America deserves better.’”
“Today, Gaetz withdrew his name from consideration. Now, President Donald Trump can nominate someone who is professionally qualified, morally upright, and who can end the weaponization of the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI. America’s future just became a little brighter today.”
“I am surprised at how many people were willing to justify the serious moral issues raised by multiple sources about sex parties where drugs were freely used by those in attendance. I will never sacrifice principle for political expediency. I will take note of those who did. The character of a person is tested under pressure. Sadly, many conservative leaders failed at a time their voices were sorely needed to bring reason and moral clarity to bear on this nomination for the highest law enforcement official in the most powerful nation on Earth. America deserved better.”
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