Stand with Israel

There has never been a more important time for Christians and Jews to stand in solidarity with Israel and its right to exist as a sovereign nation. Israel and America share a common bond through our history, heritage, and faith.

Along with our shared common values, Israel and America also share common threats. The existence of Israel is a miracle. Against all odds, Israel and the Jewish people survived throughout the ages. Every nation that has attempted to wipe Israel off the map and destroy the Jewish people is no more. These once great world powers include Egypt under the dynasty of the Pharaohs, the Kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Nazi Germany. These regimes are gone, but Israel and the Jewish people continue. Israel not only exists today, it is a world leader in agriculture, business and technology, medicine, science, literature, and more.

Everything comes together in Israel - our Christian faith, our Judeo-Christian values, our history and heritage, the past, present, and future - everything revolves around Israel. It is in this land where the Prophets preached, where the Kings ruled, and where Jesus walked.

Our past, present, and future are inextricably intertwined with Israel. Our Judeo-Christian faith and values are rooted in Israel. Indeed, Western civilization was shaped by the events that occurred in Israel.

Experience Israel with us. Call 407-875-1776 for details or to plan your trip. 


President Trump Combats Anti-Semitism
President Trump Combats Anti-Semitism

President Donald Trump  signed  an executive order yesterday which reaffirmed his commitment from 2019 to combat anti-Semitism in America, particularly on college and university campuses.  

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Netanyahu to Congress: “America and Israel Must Stand Together”
Netanyahu to Congress: “America and Israel Must Stand Together”

In a record-breaking fourth  address  to a joint session of Congress surpassing Winston Churchill, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vigorously defended his nation’s fight in Gaza against Hamas terrorists and called for...

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This Middle East Policy Is Dangerous
This Middle East Policy Is Dangerous

Joe Biden’s foreign policy seems to be designed to placate antisemitic, anti-Israel Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) along with their “pro-Palestine” constituents who block bridges and shut down city...

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The Truth About
The Truth About "Palestine"

What is the origin of the people who now call themselves Palestinians? Did the Jews displace them?

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Biden To Pay Hamas Pensions . . .
Biden To Pay Hamas Pensions . . .

The Palestinian Authority (PA) uses "humanitarian aid" to give lifetime pensions to the families of terrorists who successfully kill Israeli Jews.

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Never Again Is Now
Never Again Is Now

In September 2023, the Palestinian Authority (PA) paid out 25 million dollars in “Pay to Slay” terror pensions — lifetime monthly payments to Palestinians who have successfully killed Jews. As of the end of October, those monthly...

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